This is a site where you can read things about the movies that the actors in 7th Heaven has been in. I (who created this site) am from sweden so my english isn't soo good.But i hope you like this site anyway. I also have a site about 7th Heaven:Emma's 7th Heaven Site, it's in swedish. If you want to contact me, please email at:Emmas7thheavensite@hotmail.com


Barry Watson stars in an new movie called The Boogeyman. It's about a young man (Barry Watson) who has terrible memories of things he experienced in his bedroom as a little boy. When his father dies he decides to return to the house he grew up in and try to face his fears of that bedroom.

The movie is filming in New Zealand and Lead Actors are Barry Watson, Lucy Lawless, Emily Deschanel, Skye McCole Bartusiak, Tory Mussett.
Don't forget to vote on your favorite movie in my poll!
Witch movie with a 7th Heaven cast member is your favorite?
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6/9Sorry about the advertising from Tripod, but I can't do anything about it. New "layout" Barry Watson, and a new pic of the month David Gallagher. Next update in october.

2/8News about Barry Watson's new movie The Boogeyman and new pic of the month; Barry Watson. Next update will be in september.

2/7New pic of the month; Jessica Biel. Next update will be in August.

12/6 The Site is Finally Opened for the Public.